Sea Trail Plantation Party

Sea Trail Plantation Party

Come join your neighbors for a festive evening at the Convention Center on Friday, December 7th. Music will be provided by the Sea and Sand Band.  Cocktail hour begins at 6:30 with dinner to follow at 7:30.  Dinner includes multiple stations serving beef tenderloin,...

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CNBC Reports Sunset Beach Top For Affordability

CNBC Reports Sunset Beach Top For Affordability

Today CNBC reported that Sunset Beach, North Carolina is rated as the top 5 suburbs for retirees. The report looked at neighborhoods with a minimum of 1,000 households, and ranked them based on taxes, living expenses, retirement income and livability. Then, accounting...

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Hurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence has come and gone, leaving behind a significant amount of water and debris. The Sea Trail Plantation community has been fortunate that there doesn't appear to be an significant damage based on a preview of the community. There are a lot of leaves,...

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Sea Trail Plantation September Dine Around

The first Dine Around of the season will be at the Parson's Table on Monday, September 10th. The cost is $30 per person including gratuity. Happy Hour will be from 4:30 to 6:00 with special drink prices. The deadline for reservations is Sunday, September 2nd.

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TGIF Get Together

The next Sea Trail Plantation TGIF is scheduled for Friday, July 6th, at 6:00 at the Pink Palace.  This casual gathering of new & long time neighbors will feature our very own Song Birds of Sea Trail.  You are invited to come enjoy a wonderful, inspirational...

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New Pool Grand Opening

On Sunday, June 24th, Sea Trail Plantation had their official Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new Maples Activity Center pool.  It was a beautiful summer day to celebrate this beautiful new amenity that Sea Trailers will enjoy for many years to come....

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Nicholas Sparks’ New Book Set in Sunset Beach

Sea Trail Plantation is a buzzing with the news that Nicholas Sparks' new book is set in Sunset Beach. The new novel, Every Breath is set to premiere on October 16th of this year and will be in the tradition of Notebook and Nights in Rodanthe.  The love story is about...

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